torsdag 9. juli 2009


"Take a look at yourself in the mirror, who do you see looking back? Is it the person you wanna be?
Or is there someone else you were meant to be, the person you should have been but just fell short of. Is someone telling you that you can't or you won't? Because you can.

Believe that love is out there. And believe that dreams come true everyday, because they do.
Sometimes happiness doesn't come from money or fame or power. Sometimes happiness comes from good friends and family, and from the quiet nobility of leading a good life. Believe that dreams come true everyday, because they do.

So take a look in that mirror and remind yourself to be happy, because you deserve to be. Believe that. And believe that dreams come true everyday, because they do."

3 kommentarer:

Kay Amund sa...

Håpe at Peru turen blir enda bedre enn ka du he drømt om :)
Snart e du der!

Satse på du fær sett litt OTH der ned md;)

Nils-Ove Støbakk sa...

God tur til Peru! Håpe du lese ei god bok eller ti i stan for å kaste vekk tia på ditta OTH-tullet! hehe ;)

Stine sa...

slapp av;) he allerede begynt paa ei bok! en starbuckskaffi og ei god bok e faktisk ikkje oppskrytt:D